Website SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a tailored service individual to each website and the scale of the search results that you are planning to achieve.
SEO is focused on producing websites so that they conform to what the major search (Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.) engines expect a website to contain in order for them to be ranked highly in their indexing system.
Since Google is the market leader for providing search engine results, most of the SEO work produced is designed to meet the requirements of Google.
What does Google look for when it ranks search engine results?
The Google algorithm is constantly changing and developing to produce the most relevant search results for people using its search feature.
Many companies believe that they have a right to be ranked highly in search engine results but any SEO strategy needs to realise that Google is ranking websites to best match the search query for the benefit of the searcher.
Google and the other leading search engines reward websites which produce Good Quality and Relevant Content to provide useful information that is well written and matching the keywords which are searched for. This is known as ‘White Hat’ marketing of your products and services.
At the same time as rewarding White Hat marketing, Google will punish websites which try to use ‘Grey Hat’ or ‘Black Hat’ techniques to manipulate the search engine results.
By including spammy keyword stuffing, off-topic links, low-quality content, paid-for bad linking, duplicated content or unnecessary advertising, your website will find that it’s ranking position will fall.
How does SEO improve ranking in the search engines?
Good SEO marketing understands the benefits of optimising a website for long term results as well as short term returns.
By employing Grey Hat techniques, your website may function well in search rankings for a period of time but suffer at a later point when the Grey Hat strategy used becomes a Black Hat punishment.
Following the guidelines set out by the search engines is the most effective way to improve the search engine ranking of your website. The following services that we offer will allow your website to improve in ranking whilst not breaking any of the rules:
- High quality content writing
- Improving HTML and CSS code structures
- Increasing loading times with page optimisation
- Increasing web presence with SEO friendly content
- Navigation and usability improvement
- Improve Web Accessibility for Disabled People
- Mobile and tablet friendly designs
- Keyword placement in strategic locations
- Improve web page descriptions
- Adding regular content updates such as blog posts and extra pages
- Keeping the information in the website current and up-to-date
- Analytics monitoring Keyword research
- Backlink analysis
- Domain management
- Improving User Experience
- Integrating social media
- Employing relevant page title and headings
- Removing any duplicated content
Why do I need my website to rank highly in the search engines?
Most businesses have realised that todays marketing strategies need to focus on search engine results.
The average customer throughout any industry will use the internet as a first source of information before making a purchase of any product and service.
And the first tool used for information on the internet is the search engine, and predominantly Google.
If your company is not available to be found on search engine results then your services will not even be known by the vast number of people currently trying to buy what you have to offer.
One of the major advantages of ranking highly in organic search engine rankings is that your business is viewed as more valuable than competitors who have ranked on the search results page from paid advertising. Organic ranking is a sign of trust in your services.
Doing well in organic search engine results are the equivalent to free advertising, presenting your services in front of the largest number of potential customers.
If you manage your website SEO well, you will be able to reduce the amount of money spent on advertising campaigns, Google Adwords and pay per click services.
You may even be able to find customers purely from your organic search engine raking without the need to pay for advertising at all.
SEO For Your Website
Hexagon Graphics UK works with businesses throughout Lancashire and the UK to improve the website rankings on search engine results.
If you require help with your website and online marketing, please contact our Search Engine Optimisation team today by emailing us via our contact form.